Monday, September 15, 2008

MP3 ID3 Tag Database for Indian Music - A must!

Every time I intend to sync music files with my mp3 player - I end up getting frustrated trying to edit and re-edit the tags of mp3 files. That set me thinking there should be at least one repository that maintains consistency through out in naming the artists (A R Rehman should always be A R Rehman, not A.R.Rehman, AR Rahman and so on), titles, albums and genre. Well, you know how the tags are usually for the Indian MP3 songs!
The high value addition I get out of this is when I want to listen to only Hindi movie songs or Ghantasala songs or Rock genre songs, I can do so seamlessly in my Mp3 player; also your music library can be easily organized.

On googling, I found that there are such online MP3 ID3 tag databases for English music. I did not find any for Indian music. Its time for us to have such a tag database. If there are already such online tag databases that I missed while googling, please let me know. Otherwise, visit this page again in two weeks' time. :-) The idea is to create a web-platform for people to add or edit MP3 tag information for various songs. When a user wants to edit the tag information of a particular album's MP3 songs, all he needs to do is download these new tags and sync them with those songs. Also, there's a lot of scope for AI, especially having some validation on the information entered by the users. Any suggestions are welcome, while I mine!